EU Agenda on wildlife

European regulations and legislation regarding the legal and illegal trade in wildlife


The EU Wildlife Action Plan

A chance for the European Union to protect wildlife from legal and illegal trade

Tiger in snow

The Environmental Crime Directive

The European Parliament is currently reviewing Commission’s proposal for a new Directive on Environmental Crime

koala on a tree


The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora: an international agreement that regulates wildlife trade 


eu policy on wildlife

A timeline

November 2022 

Action Plan Against Wildlife Trafficking

The European Commission adopts the revised EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking. Adopted in 2016 and active until 2020, the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking detailed 32 lines of actions for prevention, enforcement, and global partnerships to combat wildlife trafficking. FOUR PAWS shared its recommendations for the revision of the Action Plan. 
See our position here.

September 2022

European Parliament resolutions on CITES CoP19

The European Parliament adopts its resolution on the key objectives for the CITES CoP19. The resolution takes many of our recommendations on board. MEPs urge the Parties to prohibit commercial trade, without exception, of all five species of big cats and calls for the closure of tiger farms.

DEcember 2021

Environmental Crime Directive

The Commission publishes its proposal for a new Environmental Crime Directive, which defines a number of serious offences that harm the environment and requires EU Member States to introduce effective and proportionate penalties constituting a deterrent for such offences. Although FOUR PAWS considers the Commission’s proposal as a solid basis for fighting environmental crime, there are still some important issues that are not addressed. 
Read our position here.

June 2021

INI Report on Biodiversity Strategy 2030

The European Parliament adopts its position to the Biodiversity Strategy 2030 through an Own Initiative Report on the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030. MEPs call on the EU to end the commercial trade in endangered species and their parts, as it has adverse effects on biodiversity, animal welfare and provides a cover for the illegal trade in wildlife. 

May 2020

Biodiversity Strategy 2030

The European Commission adopts the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 as key delivery of the European Union’s Green Deal. Amongst other things, the Strategy commits to revise the Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking to step up efforts against wildlife trade. However, the Strategy does not intend to restrict the legal trade in endangered species such as tigers. For genuine protection of biodiversity, the commercial trade and abuse of endangered species whether from the wild or captive-bred must end.
